on line
Transform Your Energy, Heal Deeply, and Embrace Your New Self
Join me on an extraordinary spiritual awakening program where you'll delve deeper into the realm of energy, amplify your intuition, master the art of reading energies, and unlock the power to channel the spirit world with ease. Plus, discover the secrets to manifesting your desires faster than ever before.

30 minutes of each class, I will conduct an energy-healing session for the entire group. Through these healings, we will release both conscious and subconscious beliefs that are no longer serving us. My focus during these sessions will be on healing past lives, and removing blocks, negative emotions, limitations, and stuck energies. By doing this intense work over a period of 3 months, you will experience a significant shift in your vibration.
* you will clear any unwanted energy in your body and in your environment
*clear your mental noise & learn to ground
* heal your implanted energy from your parents, partners
* connect to the universe, be a clear channel
* heal & release past life energies, stuck energies, negative emotions, subconscious patterns that are holding you back.
* you will open up for love and abundance
What will this program bring you?
This program holds great importance for me as I will be working with you energetically throughout the week. Once a week, I will perform energy healing for the group, which will resolve any issues that need to be shifted from the previous class.
If you can't join the live class, there will be a recording available. We will have a private group on FB where we will support each other daily.
You will learn in a small group. Max of 10 people. Classes once a week for 90 minutes.

Wednesdays at 10 am Madrid time (please check the time zone below)